Sunday 15 January 2012

A Zen Monk Had Sweaty Palms by Sims Wyeth

A great book for improving presentation skills.  Each 'Chapter' is just one page long, with an idea to improve one aspect.

Moving Mountains by Henry M. Boettinger,Read more at location 254
Thou shalt not be Arrogant. Thou shalt not be Boring. Thou shalt not be Confusing. Let us presenters, who seek to sell ourselves, our recommendations, and our products and services, contemplate these ABCs, lest we be turned away—by the prospect who decides to turn down our offer, by the client, who rejects our recommendations, or by our own colleagues, who would banish us from lofty executive perches because we fail to inspire confidence and belief when we open our mouths.Read more at location 372
Why do people clap at the end of a speech? Because it’s over. One of the great pleasures for an audience is the experience of quickly grasping what you’re getting at. They resent it when you deprive them of this pleasure. The correlation between length of talk and value of content is tenuous. As Mrs. Humphrey said to her husband, “Hubert, for a speech to be immortal, it need not be interminable.”Read more at location 399
with movement is very near the crux of any performance art.Read more at location 423
Note: A fantastic book so thankyou for recommending. it I really appreciated the. style of delivering the message in short thoughtful points - much like a good presentation Whilst reading the book and thinking about how I could apply the various points, I wonder if we could pick one each week, post it here and share examles of our own experience in applying it (or where we found trouble applying it). What do you think? Edit

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