Friday, 17 July 2009

The Longer Long Tail

An updated version of the Long Tail in which Chris Anderson explores the rich markets for producs and services beyond the limited selection of 'top hits' normally available. How often there is an even bigger market in what is not available in your typical outlet - the world of tremendous choice and variety - your job is to find a way to make money out of it.

Also some good content for those interested in Socal Networking

p7 how 98% of the content of a digital jukebox actually gets played
p76 a means to get your personal book published and sold
p109 In the information age, context not content is king
p113 a list of top blogs: BoingBoing, Daily Kos,, Gizmodo,, Engadget, PostSecret
p124 There seems to be a correlation between Maves (who know a lot and like to share their knowledge) and bloggers.
p131 a note about the 80:20 rule - it doesn't have to add to 100% as each side is in different units.
p172 the flaw in the too much choice arguments - that the problem is too much choice without trusted guidance.
p219 get your customers to do the work with external online blogs etc.
p230 tips on monitoring for internet activity on your brand
p242 on teh future role of PR - internal coaching or getting your brand blogged.
p244 THCO life of a chocolate bar.

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